The Designer Bin Wholesale Sales Website is the online fashion and homegoods sales channel of Industry Surplus, a wholesale and industrial liquidation company.
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Industry Surplus
The Industry Surplus Website was created as a convenient and efficient way to connect buyers and sellers of prototype, used, repossessed and otherwise idle assets. Our aim is to create a mutually beneficial environment for both parties.

  • Browse hundreds of surplus assets by computer on the Industry Surplus website.

  • Ask questions pertaining to the surplus assets on the Industry Surplus website either by e-mail, by filling out the form on the contact page, or by phone.

  • Utilize the expertise of the Industry Surplus asset reallocation team in selecting the right equipment for your application.

  • Purchase listed items from reputable sources.

  • Place a "Wanted Ad" at no charge to apprise the Industry Surplus website visitors of your equipment needs.

To obtain pricing and additional information on any items contact:

Mark Grudzien (Sales and Purchasing)
Phone: 734-558-5359 
Fax: 734-699-0179

To request information by mail:
Industry Surplus
50022 W Huron River Drive
Belleville, MI 48111